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Special class on July 1, 2024 in honor of Jacki's 10 yr anniversary of being a CZT! Taught on a Zendala (Round Zentangle Paper Tile). This was Jack's final class!
Zoom class recorded on June 25, 2024
A Zentangle class (90 minute recording) with instruction on patterns (Lissa, Whipdcream, Kinetic String, Pach, Roman Well) presented by Jacki Rose, CZT on 4-8-24. Draw them separate or put them together to create a tile.
You may use any paper you like. Any material, any size. You do not need a Zentangle paper tile as shown in the video. You may also use any pencil, pen, and blending stump you like. A q-tip can be used as a blending stump for shading.
This was from a recording Jacki did during the summer that you can watch now for free. Remember to relax, let go and draw slow.
Continue with this video same day or different day. Tangle at your own pace.
Get ready to shade your tangles. All you need is a pencil and tortillion (blending stump or q-tip).
Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, relaxing & fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. No artistic experience needed.
Zentangle® is taught by CZTs (Certified Zentangle Teachers) all over the world. Zentangle is a trademark name by the founders Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas creators of the Zentangle method and Zentangle, Inc. Read more at: