Jacki Rose
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Jacki Rose
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Look what people are saying after attending Jacki's public speaking skills programs.
I truly enjoyed your presentation. I walked away with so many tips on how to present. For me personally, the 5 Steps to Presenting with Power Point was hugely helpful. Putting the screen to the side is such a simple thing to do with huge impact on how your audience will remain focused on what you are saying instead of trying to look around you at the screen. Thank you so much I walked away with tips for a lifetime!
Catalina Mehler, Time Warner Cable New England Division. Office of the President
Jacki, I just wanted to thank you for your fantastic presentation! I recently approached my mentor with a goal of being able to be more comfortable and proficient at giving presentations. I truly believe I will benefit from your tips of...writing down word for word to where too and during a presentation, and so many more... I look forward to reading your books and implementing your tips.
Kate VerSliuis Technical Supervisor, Road Runner
I have had the opportunity to attend several seminars and yours has been the first one that I have left from knowing that I can and will put the information received to good use. Watching you up on stage speaking with confidence and such ease showed me that you, ‘Talk the Talk’! Your tips and suggestions to us are actually making me look forward to an upcoming team meeting next week! Using tips such as staying front and center and not shifting weight around, using a pause to get attention, make a point, and replace filler words, I know will make a huge improvement on how I deliver information! I’m sure that my team will notice the difference and they will surely let me know of it! Thanks again for a great seminar!
Kim Strauss, Cox New England
I was so excited about the possibility of shooting a three camera video until the reality hit me that I had to get up on a stage and speak. How was I going to do that, what was I going to say? That is where the amazing guidance and professional speaking techniques that Jacki Rose taught me helped me to create a spectacular speakers reel. Her expertise helped me to construct a powerful presentation and then deliver it flawlessly. There are now words to describe how you feel when you do that. She is still my speaking coach and helps me with on going presentations.
Mal Duane, Life Strategy and Business Coach
I just wanted to thank you again for your incredible presentation yesterday! The students and I both learned so much about the dos and don'ts in presenting in front of an audience.Thanks so much for your time, your professionalism, and the great skills we will all benefit from.
Deb Buckley, Entrepreneurship Teacher
I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical at first, but after two days with Jacki, I feel like a have the skills and confidence to present in front of my clients.
Brian Sowers, Sr. Project Manager
"The most valuable training session we've done in the five years with Forbes Consulting Group."
Ric Dube, Senior Program Manager
Jacki Rose provided an excellent course with interesting content and gives the skills to improve your public speaking.
Gabrielle Hogan, Sales Engineer, Eagle Investment Systems
I have a completely new perspective on how to begin a presentation and capture my audience’s attention immediately. I discovered that we are all able to learn how to be a great presenter.
D. Scherer, Whitney Place, Community Outreach Liaison
The program helped me to clarify the main objectives of my presentations (becoming recognized as the go-to-guy for more info/help with the plans I represent.
R. Roper, United Health Advisors, Enroller
Jacki’s presentation provided personal coaching and techniques I can use immediately to improve my public speaking. She builds confidence in a friendly atmosphere of “painless” critiquing. Great session!
K. Jasmine, Marketing First, President
Your workshop provides an excellent format to learn technique and practice public speaking skills. I enjoy the entertaining ways you incorporate skill building in a relaxed, fun and supportive setting.
K. Long, Fashion Advisors, Founder/Owner
This program showed me the “structure” of presenting a speech. I’m excited to continue the learning and presenting process.
L. Schreiner, Keller Williams Realty, Real Estate Consultant
Jacki ~ On behalf of the chamber, I would like to thank you for your wonderful presentation given to our Women In Networking Group. The presentation was eventful and provided great insight into what it takes to be a great presenter. You did a great job and the surveys given after the event reflected that as well. Thanks again.
Vanessa Leite, Director of Programs and Events, Newton Needham Chamber of Commerce
So many helpful suggestions! Take command of the room. Get over the fear. Have fun. Control the energy. Own the presentation.
A. Farrington, Tucker and Shipley, Partner
Very informative. I liked the pre planning and roadmap to present.
D. Canizares, Oakwood Worldwide Account Executive
With your coaching, my talk on Women's Health at my women's networking group was a breeze! I wasn't nervous at all and completed the talk without mistakes and had a ball doing it! I got kudos from my audience and business from some of the group. Thanks for making a huge difference for this important event.
Judy Gagnon, Owner, Ideal Health
Jacki created a comfortable, warm, unthreatening environment that made participating fun and enjoyable.
Jeri Bail, Marketing Agent, ComVest Realty
Jacki’s coaching can make a difference in your presentations, regardless of how much experience you might have speaking in public.
Rich Carlson, President, Carlson Communications
Excellent program filled with useful information that can make a huge difference with my speaking skills.
Barbara Cantwell, Investment Advisor, Edward Jones
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with The Mass Alliance. The support and skills that you gave us will impact the lives of hundreds of people as we each apply them to our practices.
Dr. Peter Kevourkian, MACP
It was so helpful to have the opportunity to practice my speaking skills in a safe environment. I really enjoyed the constructive suggestions and the fact that we HAD to get up and talk. The practice was great and the comments were directive and encouraging.
Jessica Roan, Westwood Family Chiropractic
After attending Jacki Rose's public speaking program, I am much more confident speaking in front of large and small groups as well as with one-on-one conversations.
Susan Morrissey, General Manager, La Quinta Hotels
Jacki Rose provided me with the confidence necessary to achieve any and all goals I have set for myself. I have discovered, to my surprise, that faith in your own abilities is truly the key to success.
Karen O'Neill, Assist Manager, The Tage Inn
Because of Jacki Rose's public speaking course, I am going to speak to 15 people who are planning on starting their own business.
Donna Goulart, Vice President Sales, Palumbo Insurance
This seminar made me realize how much fun it is to speak with people about your passion. Jacki gave valuable tips to help that shine through. Dale Blanchard
Jacki, you did a fabulous job with our team. Everyone was involved and had a great time. I think we all were able to find out where we needed help and your tips will help us to improve in these areas. K. Barnes, Regional Sales Assistant
This program exceeded my expectations. I was very hesitant to do any of the exercises and did not want to do them because of the anxiety but I benefited each time and it was easier each time. Jacki has given me new insight by giving me the tools to present a strong speech! Phoebe Riael, Corporate Employee
Very informative and well delivered public speaking seminar. We were pleased to offer Jacki Rose's expertise to our clients, and they all left with wonderful suggestions on their own individual style of presentation skills. Julie Hartman, Center For Entrepreneurial Growth
I've been avoiding doing presentations for years. I can't believe the amount of knowledge I learned in such a short period of time. I'm now ready to create a great presentation! Karla Abatecola, President Clinical Skin Spa
have a presentation coming up in a couple of weeks. This workshop has been time well spent – things I will put to good use very soon – thanks! Kathrine Watkevich, Academic Counselor, MWCC
Jacki has a wonderful way of getting even the shyest person in the audience to demonstrate powerful public speaking techniques. Deb Bibeau, Assistant Director, Project GO
Stepping up when asked to speak and give a presentation is no longer a terrifying experience for me. I’m actually looking forward to having more opportunities to speak and use the public speaking techniques I learned from Jacki Rose! Linda Abrams, Realtor, ERA Key Realty
I’m a 49 year old small business owner who used to have a fear of public speaking, the term “used to” is significant. Jacki Rose was instrumental in my successfully pulling off the most exciting thing that I’ve ever done, being the officiant at my nieces wedding in front of 164 people. I had offered to be the officiant, knowing full well my issues with public speaking. Those being; sweating profusely, cold clammy hands, and my voice cracking & sounding as if I was crying. But I was determined to conquer this and preside over my nieces wedding. I knew that I also had an emotional aspect to deal with.
I was fortunate enough after an internet search to find Jacki, and after a couple of private sessions, and lots of practice I did it. Not only did I conquer the public speaking portion, IE the nerves, I dealt much better with the emotional side. I can’t tell you how many people came up to me during the reception, people I didn’t even know, and complimented me on the ceremony. Not only was I elated, but I received a very nice, extremely complimentary, appreciative thank you note from my niece!
I would recommend and refer anyone who needs help public speaking to go see Jacki as you won’t be disappointed!! I know that I never could have done it without the help of Jacki Rose. Thanks Jacki! Dave Bartlett Business Owner
This program helped me see that I have the potential to excel in public speaking. My fears were alleviated, knowing everyone has the same apprehension and concerns. Donna Duguette, Navient Corp., Vice President
This program exceeded my expectations. More than anything, I enjoyed all the interaction. Thank you very much for your informative, entertaining and inspiring talk at MITRE! Irene Gassko J
Jacki, I had great results from my presentation on Saturday. I had a sense of ease and connection to my guests that I have not experienced before (and I had not completed my homework yet!) Joanne Marsh, Melaleuca
This program exceeded my expectations – never a boring moment. All points were followed through & demonstrated by attendees & they were coached at the same time! It has opened me up to wanting to present. Ellie Cochrane
This program exceeded my expectations! I was nervous because I didn’t know what to expect, but Jacki made everyone feel comfortable from the start. I learned so many great tips for future use. Just the idea of attending this meeting made me anxious. But I was pleasantly surprised and wasn’t anxious at all due to the speaker and format. From a person who does not like public speaking, I feel more confident and excited to practice my new skills after this class. Susan Torizzo
I've been to many seminars in my career and this was by far one of the best! D. Harvey, Owner, E.L. Harvey & Sons
My audiences will be better served because of my participation in this training. Joselyn Benoit
The program exceeded my expectations, increased my self-awareness, and taught me how to be a more effective speaker while still feeling comfortable allowing my personality to shine through. Frances Pagano
After participating in this program, I feel much more comfortable with the idea of speaking publicly. This program exceeded my expectations! Jennifer Kruczek
This presentation was very empowering. We learned some great ideas about how to become a better speaker. I especially liked the advice about keeping our message simple, succinct, and short. Lisa Seethaler
The program most definitely exceeded my expectations and I thought the interactive exercises were particularly helpful. Jane Miller, Regional Manager
This exceeded my expectations and helped me with confidence & presentation. Public speaking does not come easily to everyone, but with helpful trainings and encouragement, even the shyest person can address an audience. Sarah Ferguson, Program Coordinator
Using the techniques I learned today, I feel I will be more confident and have more success the next time I speak. Robin Lord, Marketing Manager
I received tangible tips which I can certainly use to make my next presentation more engaging for the audience and will help me feel more comfortable. I liked the quick and informative handouts so we can review the key points as refreshers, as it’s not very often that I give presentations and I often need reminders. I also liked the interactivity and ability to have our speaking abilities assessed for feedback which will foster improvement. Laura Wells, Events & PR Coordinator
It exceeded my expectations. I was here because it was required! I like Jacki’s style and comfort level – did not make me feel anxious. I don’t typically do presentations at our agency, but now I’m thinking of volunteering! Maureen Brown
Presenter was very well prepared and confident. She provided helpful tips on public speaking and used interactive techniques well. I learned important skills that will help me give more effective presentations in my role at WHFC. The reward for coming back on time was great too! Nicole Stenke
This program exceeded my expectations. Although it was nerve-wracking to speak in front of everyone, receiving on-the-spot direction and guidance, it was so helpful. Lauren Gilfeather
What a blast! Fun, upbeat and extremely informative! Linda Cohen, Co-Owner, Harry’s Restaurant
Engaging, entertaining, and informative. The time just flew by! John Abbondanza Owner, Vision Care Specialists
Jacki gave us great tips in a vibrant and memorable program. Anyone who interfaces with the public will benefit from Jacki’s presentation. Deb Cleveland, Owner, Framingham.com
Jacki taught me that even though I thought I new a lot, I have a lot more to learn and would love to learn from such a wonderful instructor. Steven Gilboard, The Work Place, Personal Needs Specialist
Jacki was a great presenter and I wish she will be invited to JVS again and again… till all of us become excellent presenters.
Irina Boikov, Career Counselor
The presentation was great and exceeded my expectations. It was very helpful and I think it would be better to have a series of these. Thanks a lot! Mirjana Kulenovic, JVS, Refugee Services Coordinator
The program exceeded my expectations and Jacki had energy. It was a lot to put into the time frame. Enjoyed answers to questions. I would have liked to have a longer presentation or a follow-up. More ideas for opening and closing that are creative and could be used in a variety of situations. Rebecca Pyle
I’m looking forward to incorporating the skills I learned into my next presentation. Susan Challis, Friedman, Suvalk, & Solomon, CPA (note – 1 week later she won the best speaker award in her networking group for the first time).
Jacki's workshop offered insight into delivering more engaging, confident presentations. Thanks for a giving us the skills to bring our own presentations to the next level.
Lindsey Haddad, Project Manager
I had no idea that I could get over the nervousness I felt whenever I got up to speak.
Diana Tubbs
The greatest business training I have ever had. I can't wait for my next presentation.
Jessica Azoulay, Managing Director, Forbes Consulting Group
This is the very first talk I have attended on public speaking and I feel I have gained some great tips and ideas to feel more comfortable in speaking situations.
Sandy Gross, Realtor, ComVest Realty
The program offered very specific tips on improving your public speaking skills using a coaching process. Jacki engaged the audience throughout the program.
This program presented me with a dynamic new flow to implement within my presentations.
Karyn Bender, Pharmacist/Health Counselor, The Wellness Axis
I gained very useful information from this program that I will use in every presentation I have from now and into the future.
Michael Bartolini, Vice President, Bartolini Builders
Found the program to be incredibly empowering. I can do this!
Bill Spera, Senior Project Manager
It exceeded my expectations.I definitely learned many new things about public speaking.I liked the individual participation and the critique of each one.
J. Kasper, Account Executive