Jacki Rose
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Jacki Rose
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There's only a few things you need to know to get great results from your presentations.
Don't do what others are doing, unless you really love their presentations.
Most people have not had public speaking skills training or coaching and are missing out on how to get the best results possible from their presentations!
Learn how to be a great presenter and STAND OUT ABOVE THE REST!
Bad presentations produce bad results.
Good presentations produce good results.
Great presentations produce great results!
There are only two things needed for a great presentation:
If you have great content, but your audience is falling asleep, you will not get great results.
If you have great delivery and your audience is attentive, but the content isn't great, you will not get great results.
You must have both!
She is the author of several books including “11 Steps to Powerful Public Speaking,” and “Take Your Life & Love It!” She is a professional speaker, presentation skills trainer, and public speaking skills coach. She has helped hundreds of business professionals become confident, dynamic, and engaging presenters.
Jacki is passionate about helping people overcome their fear of public speaking, brush up on their skills, and realize their potential in creating and delivering powerful presentations. She brings her animated, humorous, and entertaining personality to all of her programs!
She is a certified trainer through ASTD (American Society for Training & Development), has served on the board of directors for the NSA (National Speakers Association) local chapter, and earned the highest designation within Toastmasters International (DTM).
Clients and Meeting Planners find Jacki Rose a pleasure to work with! She believes it is important to make the most out of every moment, and her quality programs assure her audiences get the most out of the time spent with her.
ABA (Ashland Bus Assoc)
Babson College
Boston Business Expo
Eagle Investments
Edgewater Technology
EMC Toastmasters Club
EM-Power Services
Forbes Consulting Group
Lifeline Systems
Maine Medical Center Regional
Mass Alliance Chiropractic Philosophy
Mass State Grange
Oakwood Worldwide
PFPC Financial
Prudential Insurance
Society of Professional Communicators
Staples Corporation
State Street
Wide Horizons
For many years Jacki had a thriving business helping hundreds of people become great presenters and get the best results possible from their presentations. She no longer has this as a full-time business, but is still available to coach, train and present.
Clips from a Keynote Presentation on Powerful Public Speaking.
Enjoy this short story with a powerful message.
Coaching a seminar attendee.
Presentation at National Speakers Association NE Chapter Speakers School Event.